2Brand NameEffient, fka CS-747
3Generic NamePrasugrel
4TimelineStudy completes in Mid 2007? Data likely to be released in late 2007. (delayed from late 2006). MAA approved 4/09.
5MechanismDevelop drug as superior to Plavix regardless of Plavix IP
6Thienopyridine class of ADP receptor inhibitors (on P2Y12 receptor), like ticlopidine and clopidogrel.
7Plavix is metabolized slowly, so giving it at 3 hours puts it at a disadvantage. Prasugrel works within 30 minutes.
8Mechanism may suggest that prasugrel avoids the 30% non-responder rate seen with Plavix.
9Prasugrel is a prodrug like Plavix, but only requires one step versus two for Plavix.
10EconomicsUS/UK 50-50 with royalty to Daiichi Sankyo in other territories
11Commentary"Cost is a big issue".
23Clinical Trials
24result from p2 cross-over study at ACC in March 2005
25Lower dose (5mg) studies to begin?
27TIMI-38 (TRITON) study, n=13614, head-to-head vs. Plavix in ACS undergoing PCI - Results November 4 expectation
28700-800 sites, started enrolling Nov 1st 2005, finished enrolling Jan 2007. Study completes July 2007. 12 month followup.
29PE is composite 30-day MACE. Study ends after 875 events and 6 months past last patient enrolled. Event rate has been lower than expected.
30Results: Lowered stent thrombosis by 52%. Lowered primary endpoint 19% vs Plavix.
31Docs think 10-15% improvement for Prasugrel with better PK.
32Data to be presented at AHA 2007/ACC 2008.
33SNY R&D Head notes favorable prasugrel design: lower Plavix loading dose, randomization 3 hours ahead of PCI vs 6 hours (optimal).
34300mg loading dose for Plavix is suboptimal as many physicians use 600mg. Label indicates 300mg.
35Enrollment criteria different from JUMBO. TRITON includes only UA/NSTEMI with TIMI>3. JUMBO TIMI mean was 2-2.5.
36Recurrent event sub-analysis and ESC 2008 data are forthcoming. 52% reduction in stent-thrombosis.
38JUMBO Phase II
39n=900 presented at ESC 2004 showed non-inferiority to Plavix
40Subset analysis of patients on 40mg loading dose with 7.5mg maintenance, 60/10mg or 60/15mg.
41at 10mg/day maintenance two patients exhibited complete inhibition of collagen-induced platelet aggregation
42Investigator expects bleeds and mortality to be higher for Prasugrel in TRITON.
431.7% bleeding vs 1.2% with Plavix but no risks of major bleeds.
449.4% MACE for Plavix, 7.2% MACE for prasugrel, p=0.30. MACE % at 30 days.
46Phase III TRILOGY n=7243 unstable angina or MI without ST elevation who did not undergo revascularization
4713.9% hit the primary endpoint of death, CV, MI, etc in prasugrel versus 16.0% in Plavix, HR=0.91, p=0.21.
48Bleeding similar.